Community Disaster Preparedness

Project Details

  • Department: MSA Membership
  • Lead Physician: Dr. Chris Rumball & Dr. Mike Flesher
  • Status: Completed

About the Project

Goal: To enhance our community’s response capabilities in the event of a major disaster

Project Updates

This project was completed in two phases. The lead physicians continuously engaged with community stakeholders, bringing together local physicians and representatives from other agencies such as Emergency Management BC, the Health Authority, RCMP, B.C Ambulance, Fire Services, City of Nanaimo, MoH, and more.

Lead physicians Dr. Chris Rumball and Dr. Mike Flesher developed department specific practical resources, home and clinic response plans for physicians, and crisis standards of care presentations for clinics and departments.

An event was held for engagement between physicians and local emergency services to understand the role of a physician in an emergency in our community, and how each emergency management service provider would interact with the Health system in the event of a disaster.

This project came to fruition after a survey was distributed to all MSA members in Nov 2017 to assess current levels of disaster preparedness. Project leads are creating tools to address the lacking areas and to enhance our medical community’s response capabilities in the event of a major disaster.