Nanaimo Medical Staff Engagement Society Project Application

Thank you for your consideration in applying for project funding from your Nanaimo Medical Staff Engagement Society (NMSES). The Nanaimo Medical Staff Engagement Society  (NMSES) is funded by the Specialists Services Committee’s Facility Engagement initiative for the purpose of improving physician involvement and engagement with the Health Authority  to address matters affecting their work environment and patient care.

IMPORTANT: Please read the following information before filling out your application.

Please note that applications falling within Facility Engagement funding guidelines are not guaranteed for approval. The ultimate decision to fund a project is with the Advisory Council, and is based upon alignment with current strategic priorities and available funds.

Approval Process

Your project application must be completed in full and submitted to NMSES. All new project applications are put forth to the MSA Advisory Council for review at the monthly meeting. Following review, NMSES will inform you whether your project has been “Approved” as-is with possible conditions and/or suggestions, or has been “Rejected” and will provide an explanation.

If approved, the below conditions apply:

Communication and Reporting Requirements

Project Leads are required to submit evaluation reports following funding approval to provide an update on the project’s progress, challenges, budget use, etc.

Some Project Leads may be required to present a review/update of their project at any Annual General Meetings that falls within the project’slifespan.

Project Leads are required to submit sessional claims and reimbursement requests within 3 months from date of occurrence.

Use of Funds*

As per the funding guidelines of Doctors of BC, please note that the following list indicates the major activities that funds cannot be used to support (for a more detailed list of funding guidelines, please contact NMSES directly):

  • Clinical time, private enterprise, or profit
  • Partnerships or associations with Pharmaceutical companies
  • Backpay for project phases completed before project funding approval
  • Initiatives/education/projects that would otherwise fall under the responsibility of the Health Authority

Please click here for more information on FE funding use: Memorandum of Understanding

In order to ensure productivity, please note the following time restrictions for inactivity of funds:

  • After 3 months of inactivity NMSES will contact you for follow-up
  • After 6 month of inactivity NMSES reserves the right to suspend and reabsorb funds. In order to reacquire funds, Project Leads will need to reapply.

*Disclaimer: Facility Engagement Funding Guidelines are subject to change as per the Specialists Services Committee & Doctors of BC. Projects that are funded at one point are not guaranteed future funding.

Please contact with any questions or inquiries.

NMSES Project Funding Structure

Maximum requested funding allowed: $10K
Maximum project length allowed: 6 months

Applications exceeding $10K or extending beyond 6 months must use a phased approach:

  • Any projects requesting more than $10k, and/or have a timeline of more than 6 months must breakdown the project into phases.
  • The initial application will be considered a “Phase 1”, and must outline the purpose and deliverables of this phase. When Phase 1 is completed with all deliverables achieved, the Project Lead may apply reapply for Phase 2 funding, and so on until the project is completed.
  • Project applications for each phase are still subject to MSA Advisory Council approval.
  • Please note that NMSES cannot back pay sessional time. Please wait to secure funding before beginning work on your project or next phase.
Phase #Maximum Funding $Maximum Timeframe
110K6 months
210K6 months
310K6 months
Etc.10K6 months

    Applicant Information

    Project/Initiative Information

    Health Authority (HA) Engagement

    Note: Any proposed activities involving patient care, flow, environment, data analytics, allied health, resources for sustainability would benefit from early consultation with HA.

    *Indicate how/if the HA has been/will be informed of the activity, consulted with, involved, and/or a collaborative partner, as applicable:

    This project would benefit from HA involvement as it requires input - data - implementation - financial or in-kind resources, etcI need help finding the appropriate HA contactsI am aware of the appropriate HA contacts and will include them below









    YesNoHA engagementResearchMembership engagementQuality improvementQuality assuranceCapital projectsOther

    Project/Initiative Budget



    Sessional costs - General Practitioner:
    How many General Practitioners?
    Total hours @ $176.18/hour


    Sessional costs - Specialist:
    How many Specialists?
    Total hours @ $176.18/hour


    Allied Health costs – if applicable (calculated as per current DoBC rates)
    How many Allied Health?
    Total hours @ $/hour


    Admin Costs – if applicable:
    Total hours @ $30.00/hour


    Engagement/Event costs


    Travel costs


    Accommodation costs


    Meal costs


    Other costs


    Other costs


    Total requested for this project/initiative


    Sign and Date

    I agree