Raising Resilient Kids

Event Details

About the Event


Dr. Joanna Cheek, BHKin, MD, FRCPC
Dr. Fiona Petigara, MD, CCFP
Dr. Jane Ryan, MD, FRCPC

In this session, Dr. Joanna Cheek, Dr. Fiona Petigara and Dr. Jane Ryan will introduce Raising Resilient Kids, a new evidence-based preventative care program designed to strengthen caregiver-child relationships. Participants will explore the content and process of the program, and learn about referring their own patients to the program. This session is aimed at primary health care providers who will refer to the program.

The Raising Resilient Kids program involves 8 weeks of virtual group medical visits for caregivers with children aged 0-6. In this group, caregivers are taught skills to prepare and support them in raising a secure, resilient child based on the best evidence from child development, mindfulness, attachment, and reflective parenting. They will learn how to be curious of their child’s inner world, navigate conflict, normalize distress, and manage their child’s emotions and behaviours as well as their own. The program will also teach them how to create a secure home base to support their child’s development. Caregivers who attend the groups must be referred by a doctor, but the child does not have to have any particular diagnosis for the caregiver to be eligible to participate.

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